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We at Lelama Dreams Trading 3 ICC T/A Serv-Kwik grasp and realize that disability is a serious issue that needs our support and attention. We do not only focus on gender and race, but also individuals with disability as required by the employment equity act. Transformation includes “all” citizens of South Africa, which means including the well. We accept and develop people with disabilities.
Our company understands that people with disabilities are productive, reliable employees who bring benefits to the workplace.

Lelama Dreams Trading 3 ICC T/A Serv-Kwik
Employment Equity Strategies form part of the Company’s Annual Strategic Planning Process and are reported and reviewed at monthly Executive meetings, at which Employment Equity issues, legislative and numerical target levels are set. Consultation and dialogue address the results of Employment Equity audits and towards our targets. Our strategy covers Recruitment, Development, Staff Retention and Cultural Diversity. Our managers are well versed in the Employment Equity Managers, are held accountable and are responsible for Employment Equity Goals.

Lelama Dreams Trading 31 cc T/A Serv-Kwik recognize obligations in terms of the Employment Equity Act. Our Employment Equity Policy promotes equal opportunity and fair treatment and strives to build a diverse, high-quality staff profile that reflects the demographics of South Africa. We recognize and respect the right to dignity and self-determined identity.